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What Are the Requirements for a Municipal Garbage Truck Rental Plan?

At Big Truck Rental, our fleet consists of a variety of truck models to meet the needs of cities and townships with their own waste service division, from rural districts to urban metropolises. All renters will need to meet our municipal garbage truck rental requirements; these are basic and easy to comply with for first-time renters. We explain below everything you need for a hassle-free process.

What Are the Requirements?

There are a few items we will need. If you have rented from us previously, then you likely already have these, and we can process your application even faster. For first-time renters, our friendly staff will help you acquire some of the items you will need. These include a request for a certificate of insurance, which will require the following information:

  • Big Truck Rental named as certificate holder.
  • Big Truck Rental listed as “additionally insured.”
  • Big Truck Rental listed as a “loss payee.”

Insurance documentation will also need to include the following:

  • A minimum automobile liability coverage of $10,000,000
  • Physical damage coverage
  • Notification of expiration
  • Notification of cancellation

Most clients renting on behalf of a city or district often find the necessary documents easy to obtain; all they have to do is coordinate with their HQ or finance department. Once you do this the first time, we will have your records on file and can speed up the logistics for future rentals. If changes have been made since your last rental, submit any updated documentation for quick processing.

Our Municipal Plans

Our municipal plans vary and include short-term and long-term contracts as well as rent-to-purchase options. Regardless of your chosen plan, the above requirements apply. It also applies across the board regardless of truck type or manufacturer. The requirements are also uniform regardless of area of residence. This goes for both U.S. and Canadian renters.

We Keep the Process Quick and Efficient

An entire city population depends on timely waste removal. We understand that to prevent downtime or delays, you need a rental in absolute minimal time. Once the paperwork is submitted, we can have the rental ready for pickup or drop-off within 48 hours, usually less. We keep the municipal garbage truck rental qualifications easy to satisfy. Our goal is to minimize the logistics associated with commercial vehicle rental. Call Big Truck Rental to get started.

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What Are the Rent-to-Purchase Garbage Truck Plan Maintenance Obligations?
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What Type of Garbage Truck Is Recommended for a Long-term Rental Plan?